Tuesday, April 26, 2016

We have been delinquent in posting anything for awhile. We have no good excuses. we just haven't done it. So we'll try and catch up. Work at the Visitors' Centre continues to be busy. We sent our first senior couple home this past Monday and we are now operating with just two senior couples (ourselves being one of those couples). Our new couple is not scheduled to arrive until May 12th. So we will operate short handed for awhile. We are required to have a priesthood holder at the VC in order to be open. So that means that Elder Hulet or Elder Neeley has to be there from 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. No days off, no time to be ill. But we should be fine with that. We also have a young sister completing her mission in two weeks but her replacement will come out the day that she goes home.

Wehave seen some exciting results from our VC work the past couple of weeks. We had a baptism at the VC on April 16th. Yuxin Zhang, a college student from China, was baptized. The change in her in just the past six weeks since she came into the VC is amazing. She said that she had not experienced much happiness in her life prior to coming into the VC. Now she feels happy all of the time. She has been taught the missionary lessons at the Hyde Park Chapel so we have seen her often. When she first started coming in she would keep her head down and never make eye contact or smile. Now she greets everyone, looking into their eyes, and smiling brilliantly. While this great experience was taking place another Chinese girl who came into the VC more than a year ago also got baptized--in China. She came back to London in January just for a short visit and we met her then (just after we arrived here). She wanted to get baptized here but things did not work out for her to do that. But our sisters received an email from her this week announcing that she had gotten baptized last week in China. We also had a young man in Hawaii, who came to our VC sisters via Mormon.org (online), get baptized last week. He was taught initially by our VC sisters online and then was taught further by missionaries in Hawaii where he was baptized. What an incredible experience to be here and see peoples' lives changing all over the world.

We have had many guests come into the VC the past couple of weeks as well. We never know who might be impacted by a simple visit or a serious investigation. As indicated by the baptism stories above, great things can happen. We have a man being taught who is from Lybia, another man reading the Book of Mormon who is from Croatia, and several more students from China being taught. All are frequent visitors to the VC.

We enjoyed a visit from Richard and Linda Eyre, authors of many best-selling books and prominent motivational speakers, a week ago last Sunday. They spoke and taught for a couple of hours on Sunday afternoon at the Hyde Park Chapel. We look forward to our stake conference on May 7th & 8th. Elder Timothy J. Dyches, a General Authority Seventy and a member of the European Area Presidency, will be in attendance and a new stake presidency will be called.

We have continued to exercise a lot by going on walks. There is so much to see here that we find new and exciting things most every time we go out. We've been to "Little Venice" and Abbey Road Studios (of Beatles' fame). We were able to attend the "Key Ceremony" at the Tower of London. This is a nightly ritual that has been done for centuries where the British military lock up the keys to the castle for the night. It takes place at 10:00 every night and only around 25 tickets are available per night. We went to "The Monument" which is a tall tower with 311 steps where you can overlook all of London. We also visited the Shakespeare's Globe Theater and attended Evensong at St. Paul's Cathedral. We went to the National Archives where our Family History missionaries work and we have visited the London Eye (one of the world's largest Ferris wheels) and the Tate Britain Art Museum. Our love for this city and the people here continues to grow.

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